Monday, August 24, 2009

Ramadan With a Smile

(published in The Jakarta Post on 26 August 2009)

Ramadan is not only a holy month but also a beautiful month for Muslims. It is beautiful because Ramadan offers peace and smiles. Imagine if we could see smiles everywhere, every day, every moment and on everyone, what more could we hope for in our lives today?

During Ramadan, Muslims fast from dawn to dusk. This is one of the five compulsory principles of Islam. Fasting is not only abstaining from food and drink, because the poor do that in their daily lives. "We don't need to wait until Ramadan, because fasting is our life. We have no option but to eat only once a day," they say. Fasting is not only to refrain from lust either, because lust can be controlled without fasting.

Ramadan, the holy and beautiful month, brings values into focus. Ramadan makes people wise and unselfish, because Ramadan teaches them to share with others. Share a part of their possessions, share happiness, share sympathy and share love and kindness.

Non-Muslims also respect this month and convey cordial greetings to Muslims in a spirit of goodwill and religious tolerance. This is demonstrated by the Manahan Javanese Christian Church (GKJ Manahan) in Surakarta (Solo) every year. This church sets us an example of how to live in harmony with people with different religions. This church provides meals as well as a place (in the church) for Muslims to break their fast - every day for the 30 days of Ramadan. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

Ramadan is a time of contemplation, of introspection, to think and look at ourselves. Muslims believe this month is when heaven opens the door of forgiveness and mercy. Muslims do not let this happen in vain. That's why, for those who ask forgiveness from God in order to accept the blessings of this fasting month, should forgive others too, because those who forgive their neighbors will be forgiven by God.

People are blessed if they are given the ability to fast in Ramadan. However, those who fast should not despise Muslims who are still unable to practice it, moreover should not judge them, as just because they do not understand the purpose of fasting, does not mean they are not devoted Muslims.

A friend of mine confessed he was not a good Muslim, because he only fasts twice during Ramadan, i.e. the first day and the last day. He could not explain why, but he did say he would try to do it some day - if he is enlightened by a deeper understanding from his religious teaching. However, he feels uncomfortable when his friends make insinuations about his lack of fasting during Ramadan. They comment on the fact he only fasts for two days and stigmatize him as not a real Muslim. Although he is not a good Muslim, as he himself confesses, he is a friend who never hurts others.

Ramadan is a month of struggle, to fight against our lust and egoism, not to fight against our neighbors. Ramadan should create peace among people, including those who still live in the dark, and not create fear, by threatening those whom we judge as sinners just because they work in nightclubs.

There was parable about some people who believed they were righteous and regarded others with contempt: Two men came before God to pray, one a scribe and the other a tax collector (read: the usurer). The scribe, standing alone, was praying: "God, I thank you that I am not like other people: thieves, rogues, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week. I donate some of my possessions to the poor." But the tax collector, standing far away, could not even look up to heaven, but was beating his chest and saying: "God, be merciful to me, a sinner." The tax collector went home forgiven rather than the other way around, because all who exalt themselves will be humbled, but all who humble themselves will be exalted.

Ramadan will be a beautiful month if people offer each other a smile. Let the smile become our home where we are able to be kind to one another, not only for a month, but for eleven months' onward. If there are smiles everywhere in Ramadan, everyone will miss Ramadan and look forward to it coming again soon.

Happy Ramadan, with smiles everywhere.

Serpong, 24 August 2009
Titus J.

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